About Us


AMD Career Shapers & Training Solutions is a platform for career assessment, career guidance & counseling. We also help students in seeking admission, both- assistance & Guidance at undergraduate & post graduate level.

We are a people oriented training Solution providers who help individual & organizations in – A SOLUTION CONNECT since dynamics of market is creating an interest gap on continuous basis.

We have specially designed solutions for school, Undergraduates & Post Graduates students and Professionals. These time tested scientific Solutions like psychometric tests, personal counseling, career guidance session, customize training session helps student discover his arranged career path.


Our Philosophy
Students spend most of their adult life at the workplace. Career decisions are one of the most important decisions in a student's academic and professional journey, if seeded right it saves on time, money, effort. It is essential that these decisions are made with utmost care and expertise.

Our Strengths
We blend technology along with strategic human interventions to enable you decide a successful career. Our team of experts & psychometric support bring you to a deciding experience .We work with the single aim to help students.

Our Pedagogy
We aim to minimize confusion in the career decision making process. We blend technology and expertise to help students, parents, schools in making informed career decisions. Our platform and experts together simplify this process.

Our Accord
We are a group of career experts, strategists, entrepreneurs, with whom you can Trust with your career decisions as we help you figure out your true self and help you craft your success stories.

Why Choose Us

Ethics Behind Success

Psychometric tests


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Book Library & Lab

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Skilled Lecturers

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What Client Say about us !

Here is some client comments to us.

Rony Devis
Habina Rehman

Suffered are many variation of passages lorem availle there on alterati of some form by the injected for users.

Rony Devis
John Leo

Suffered are many variation of passages lorem availle there on alterati of some form by the injected for users.

Rony Devis
Lisa Devis

Suffered are many variation of passages lorem availle there on alterati of some form by the injected for users.